How Can You Help?

If you are interested in supporting wilderness search and rescue but are unable to participate directly in our activities, consider making a financial contribution to TSAR.

If you would like to support us, please consider a donation through PayPal or by Shopping with Amazon Smile and selecting Tidewater Search and Rescue as the non-profit group you wish to support, every purchase you make helps support our group.

Search and rescue emergencies require specialized equipment, including communications and technical evacuation equipment, which are purchased and maintained by the group.

As a 501c3, TSAR keeps its operating costs to a minimum. Members are responsible for providing their own personal gear as well as transportation to and from rescue missions.

Paypal, Credit, and Debit Cards Now Accepted Online for Fine ...

Donations are tax deductible and can also be made by contacting the Operations Section Chief at operations[at]

Another way of supporting TSAR is to Designate us for United Way Giving

TSAR United Way Number – Penisula 9057

TSAR United Way Number – South Hampton Roads 1248

Or, donations can be made directly to our PO Box:

        P.O. Box 8381,   Virginia Beach, VA  23450

TSAR’S Federal ID : 54-1460325

Thank you for whatever support you can offer.